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How I made over £600 in a weekend from decluttering

Writer's picture: BenellaBenella
bags of clutter and clothes by front door ready to go to charity

Last month I had a weekend at home with just the dog! I decided to use the time to do some decluttering of my clothes and some other items I had kept from my late parents but didn't actually use.

It is so easy to keep items when there is space for them and no real urgency to move them on. Motivated by the thought of earning some extra cash and doing an experiment to share with you - here is how I made £637.18.

*This post may contain affiliate links which don't cost you a penny but pay a commission to this site.

Here is what I did and my top tips for each outlet:

pile of clothes on bed to be sold after decluttering

Vinted - Clothes and shoes - £198.45

I sorted through clothes that no longer fitted or that I liked.

I ensured they were clean and hung each item up on a hanger and took several photographs.

I went through the whole pile this way. Made notes of sizes and any marks/damage.

All items were then put in a bag in the spare room and I promised myself they would only stay there one week.

Sitting down with a cup of coffee and my phone, I used the Vinted app and listed each item of clothing with the photos, notes on size etc.

Most sold within the week and using mail bags I had already purchased from Amazon, I took them to either In-Post lockers or the Post Office.

All non-sold items I took to the charity shop and deleted from the Vinted app.

selling clothes decluttering

Clothes agency for branded items - £174.00

Local to me there is this wonderful dress agency.

Selling second hand clothes, shoes and bags.

I took a bag of well known branded clothes in, think Karen Millen, Boden and Hobbs etc. rather than Gap and lower end high street stores.

The owner went through and told me which she would be happy to sell. The few items she didn't want I took straight to the charity shop.

At the end of each month I got an amount paid into my bank. She takes a bigger proportion of the sale which is only fair of course, but it was easy money for me over 2 months.

The only downfall for me is whenever I go in there, I want to buy something that someone else is selling!

Vintage Cash Cow - Jewellery and toy cars

- £187

As a Professional Organiser and member of APDO, I have used Vintage Cash Cow many times and recommend them to clients.

They have a list of all items they will take but an example is:

Costume jewellery and Vintage handbags

Gold/Silver/Brass and Medals

Vintage toys and Collectables

They won't take:

Furniture, Firearms, Modern toys

Clothing, Books, China, Glass and Porcelain

I put all my items into a box and posted for FREE with the label they sent to me.

Within a few days I had a valuation, I could either accept and be paid or the box is returned FOC.

Ziffit - Books, CD,s DVDs and games - £22.73

I love the Ziffit app.

It is so quick to use.

The photo shows one batch I sent but I actually sent 3 over a week (others got involved in clearing after I had sent mine!)

I only sold books this time but have also used it for DVD's. I spent 10 minutes looking at my bookcase and taking out books that I no longer wanted.

Using the app you scan the barcode and it gives you a price. Yes the book may have cost you £6.99 and they are only offering you 20p but it is all about volume and the process is so simple.

Once you accept the total offer, box them up, write the reference number on the box that is given to you and leave the box outside for collection.

Money is then paid once they confirm the books.

Any books they didn't want I took straight to my local

Facebook Marketplace - Household items - £55.00

I cleared out our shed and found an old swimming pool which we didn't use anymore plus some garden chairs that had been my parents but were not the right colour for our garden.

I set them up and cleaned the pool so it looked saleable. Took some good photos with plenty of light and then listed them for a fixed price and for collection only.

The pool sold for £15.00 and the chairs for £40.00. Both items went the day I listed them.

I always recommend listing on a weekend morning as that is when I find things will go quickly and people will collect promptly.

You can often add them to other selling sites from Marketplace which I recommend doing. My items were on a further 7 places and once you mark as sold, all listings are updated.

There are often time wasters on here but I was lucky with these sales as they went to the first people who messaged.

In conclusion, so in total, I made £637.18. I used great platforms to sell, ensured my items were described well and spent the time listing them all. Be strict with yourself that it is for a limited time and ensure you move non-sold items on to charity so they don't become clutter elsewhere in your home.

If you need help letting other items go then check out my blog that I posted for Lent as it has lots of other ideas of how to move items on

Happy decluttering and making some cash!

I hope you liked this blog - please let me know and share with anyone you think may enjoy it 💞


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